ibunka TB_U9

Part 1

1 - You and Your Culture

Online Form for WARM-UP SURVEY (textbook p.56)

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Online Form for INTERVIEW (textbook p.57)

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Example Sentences for INTERVIEW (textbook p.57) Q1: Did you ever sleep in the same bed as your parents? If so, until what age? • Yes. I think it was until I was about 7 or 8. • Yes, I slept in the same bed as my parents until I was 11. • No, I don’t think so. I always had my own bed. Q2: What do you think is the most appropriate bedtime for a six-year-old child? • I believe that a six-year-old child should be in bed by eight pm. • I think that the most appropriate bedtime for a child that age is around 9. • Eight o’ clock is a reasonable bedtime for a child of six. Q3: For you, when was the most enjoyable stage of your childhood? • For me it was high school, because I Linally had some freedom to do what I liked.

• The most enjoyable time of my childhood was elementary school, because we weren’t studying so hard then. Q4: In your opinion, is it acceptable for a Yive-year-old child to interrupt adults? (to have no table manners? / to be noisy in public places? / to choose the family dinner menu?) • In my opinion it’s OK for a Live-year-old child to be noisy in public or choose the dinner menu, but not having any manners or interrupting adults is not OK. • No. I think that all of these behaviors are not acceptable for a Live-year-old. • I think it’s OK to interrupt adults, because sometimes children have something important to say. But all the others are not acceptable behaviors. Q5: In your opinion, when a couple has a baby, do you think it’s normal that their life becomes centered on that child? • Yes. I think it was until I was about 7 or 8. • Yes, I slept in the same bed as my parents until I was 11. • No, I don’t think so. I always had my own bed.



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