ibunka TB_ver1.0_how to use the textbook
How Do I Use the Discussion Activity?
What is Discussion ? The Discussion section is a chance for students to comment on one or more of the responses they have just read, using guided language forms. Classroom experience has taught us that intermediate-level students are considerably more motivated to answer questions which force them to choose one item from a
list than they are open-ended discussion points. That is why Which of these responses was most interesting (shocking, relatable, etc.) to you (and why)? is a much more effective prompt than the standard instruction: Now write a paragraph about these responses. How do I use this activity? 1. Have students look back over all the responses on the Yirst two pages of Part Two. Have each student think about which one of the responses they found to be most interesting (or surprising, or relatable, etc). This is an effective way of having students reread a piece of text. 2. Students write a Yirst sentence using the name of the respondent and how they felt about the reponses, then a sentence or two explaining their reason for choosing it. Direct their attention to the example sentence fragment, as a starting point. They can also look back at Expression 1 and 2 in Part One for more useful vocabulary and phrases. → Example sentence: (Unit 2: Sleep and Rest): I found Miki’s response to be the most relatable. In my experience working in a Japanese company, I was surprised to see people sometimes sleeping in meetings. 3. Have students compare and discuss their answers in pairs or small groups. Time required: 15~20 minutes
OPTION Є WRITING/SPEAKING Once all students have finished writing, nominate individual students to read out their answers. These could be written on the blackboard (or a shared document if you are teaching online) and discussed as a class. Time Required : 5~10 minutes
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