ibunka TB_ver1.0_how to use the textbook
teaching (or given as homework), students can type words and phrases into a Google Form for submission. 5. Finally, students can write a short general
paragraph on the topic. They can touch upon what they learned, what surprised them, or how much they agree or disagree with the responses in the book.
In the Teacher’s Manual you will Yind some suggested choices for the ONE STEP FURTHER Activities. Please bear in mind that these are not the only deYinitive ways to complete these activities; students can choose single words, short phrases, or even whole sentences. There are many ways to cut this text into parts. The most important thing is to have students make logical connections between cultural patterns and the language that describes them.
Suggested Answers for ONE STEP FURTHER Activities (Google Form)
Suggested Answers for ONE STEP FURTHER Activities (Textbook)
Time Required: 30~90 minutes
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