
5. quality service 荁ַ䫘㲘 6. efcient Ⲗ曍 ס 荁ַ 7. the atmosphere ꦬ㍱妳 8. good value 荁ַ قتؤ 9. I prefer ...

Unit 6 Unit 6

page 43

1. stall-holders ꨽䈘賛 2. aggressive 䍚䌕 ם 3. interaction ׷׽ כ ׽ 4. passers-by

page 38

1. to interact with ~ ֐ כ 䫘׌׾ 2. to greet ~ ֐ מ 䨉䦾؅׌׾ 3. to respond to a greeting 䨉䦾؅鲭׌ 4. to expect ~ to ~ ֐ֿ֐׊ י ׂ׿׾׆ כ ؅僿䏨׌׾ 5. to bow ֽ鰭⧘׌׾ 6. to bag (wrap) an item 賛⿁؅运 מ ⪌׿׾ⴍ逷 ׌׾ 7. to see ~ to the door ֐؅釤鴜׽׌׾ 8. human interaction ☔ סכ ׷׽ כ ׽ 9. to keep ~ to a minimum ֐؅僃⛥꡾ מ ׌׾ 10. deference 㵯丒 11. defective 埝憠 ס ֵ׾ 12. to be rude to ~ ֐ מ 㵚׊ י 㜊炔 כ׆ם ؅׌׾ 13. to get angry at ~ ֐ מ 䓈׾ 1. high-end brand stores 냕碌 ه ٚ٤ غ 䈘 2. hair salons 紆㳊ꢙ 3. family-owned stores 㳃仌磬ㅀ䈘 4. a discount Ⱏ䌕

鵟׽־־ גז ☔ 5. to haggle over ~ ֐؅⡁⮉׾ 6. reverse culture shock 鴫؜ٜ ز ٔ٭ ب ٘ ؠش 7. thoughtfulness 䓙ַ׷׽ 8. checkout Ⳇ㲊㕙յٝ ة 9. cashier ٝ ة ➟ ס ☔

熖 ׳ע ׊؀֐ֿ㞐׀ ד

page 41

1. this is the case ׆׿ אע ֹ ך ֵ׾ 2. to come across as ~ ֐ מ 釤ֻ׾ 3. rural 榹艒 ס 4. industrial 䄄哅 ס 5. retail workers 䈘⿦ 6. to engage ~ in conversation ֐؅⚡鎇 מ 䌕׀⪌׿׾ ׷׾妳 ם ׂ׷׾ 3. no matter the ~ ל ؆ ם ֐ ך ׵ 4. impersonal ꪜ☔ꝴ氳 5. to take responsibility for ~ ֐ ס 鞊♳؅ כ ׾ 6. standardized 嘅嶖⴫׈׿ ג 7. impeccable 埝憠 ם ׊ ס 1. inconsistent ┉鞉䓪 םס ַ 2. to mail it in

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