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One Step Further

5. to keep things lightմ 鬭䒍 ם ꦬ㍱妳؅⟊ ח initial reactionմ 僃⮣ ס ⹚䑴

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1. impersonal ꪜ⠕䓪氳 ם superfcialմ 辐ꪫ氳 ם pleasantմ 䑏㏐ַַ 2. confusionմ ㍭䘄 a nod ⚡ꃿ

to carry on ~ ֐؅׊禈ׄ׾

6. clingy

׊ ׆ח ַ to pressure ~ to ~ ֐ מ ֐׌׾׻ֹ מ ㏆ⱱ؅־ׄ׾

from both sidesմ ┸⣐־׼

7. itemsմ 賛⿁ 8. hospitality ֽ׵ םי ׊ cheeryմ 伺׾ַ 9. ethnicմ 妨仌 ס vary 樟 ם ׾

to owe ~ as muchմ ֐ מ 㵚׊ אי ׿ׂ׼ַ䕑ֵֿ׾

to the best of one˖s abilityմ ⪒ⱱ ך

3. anecdote 鶱鎇 to brag 舅䜇׌׾ 4. reverse culture shock 鴫؜ٜ ز ٔ٭ ب ٘ ؠش upon returningմ 䅯㎁׊ ׆כג ؀ to roll one˖s eyesմ

family businessմ 㳃仌磬ㅀ ס 䈘 personalմ ⠕☔氳 ם 10. to be engaged in ~մ ֐ מ 䏼◄׊ י ַ׾յ֐׌׾ מס 䑮׊ׂ׊ י ַ׾ to vary from ~ to ~ մ ֐ מ ׻ יז 樟 ם ׾ regularsմ 䅻鵽㲘 11. to adjust to ~ ֐ מ 鸵䑴׌׾ changeմ ֽ ח ׽ to see ~ out մ ֐؅釤鴜׾ to say ~ backմ ֐ מ 銧ַ鲭׌ loopsմ ⚡鎇 ס ٜ٭ و on the way out the door 䢽؅⭳ ם ֿ׼

許׿ י 泘؅׃׾׽ כ Ⳃ־׌ as though ~մ

֐ ס ׻ֹ מ smart aleck 榟䙫妳 ם ׷ ח



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