
4. at any time ַ ךח ׵ 5. it shouldn˖tmatterwhere~ מ׆ל ֐־ לע ֹ ך ׵ַ ַ׆ דכ ն 6. to be all over each other ت؞ ׊⾒ֹյֽ◍ַ מ ⛮ ؅鉴׿ ג ׽׌׾ 7. tocalleachothercute names 䚁燡 ך ⽛ צ ⾒ֹ 8. to exclude ꢜ㛙׌׾յ注䣆 מ ׊ ם ַ 9. to ignore 扛釱׌׾ 10. inappropriate ┘鸵⮉ ם 1. I would say that ~ 熖 ס 䙫釤 עך ֐ 2. defnitely 祀㵚 מ 3. speechless 銧蜗ֿ⭳ ם ַ 4. to put ~ into words ֐؅׆ מףכ ׌׾ 5. vital ┘⺎埝 ם 6. realistic 杯㲔氳 ם 7. ideally 杼䘶氳 עמ ֐׌׾䑒釐ֵֿ׾ 2. to be attentive to ~ ֐ מ 妳؅鿥׾ 3. empathy ⪦䚉 4. to empathize with ~ ֐ כ ⪦䚉׌׾ 1. ought to ~

5. the chances arehigh that ~ ֐ ס ⺎耆䓪ֿ냕ַ 6. to be mistaken ꝴ鷿 יז ַ׾ 7. a lot of the time 㛡ׂ ס 㕙⾒յ׊ ף ׊ ף 8. to deal with ~ ֐ מ 㵚⭚׌׾ 9. frustrating ׵ ־ל ׊ַ 10. to bridge a gap 注䣆 סכ 嶥؅㒪״׾

Unit 7 Unit 7 page 44 1. fancy

ה ׺ כז 냕碌 ם 2. to do the dishes 沐嬲ַ؅׌׾ 3. to talk openly 曍泡 מ 鎇׌ 4. your partner˖s needs ס٭ػع٭ق 釐僶 5. to split the bill Ⱏ׽Ⳇ מ ׌׾ 6. whether or not ֐־ ל ֹ־ 1. conservative types 2. progressive types 3. to be likely to ~ ֐؅׊ א ֹ ך ֵ׾ 4. to share the housework 㳃◄؅⮆䥵׌׾ 5. regular 㲊僿氳 ם 6. traditional gender roles ⚥礴氳 ם 槀㝵 ס 䏔Ⱏ 7. ˘pair-look˙ clothes ًٜؓ סؠش 僜 1. public displays of affection ⪜⪦ ס 㕙 סך 䚁䗯辐杯 2. to walk around 塥׀㍑׾ 3. peck on the cheek ꯼׫ ס 鬭ַ؞ ت ⟊㱤氳 ם 縒ֻ؅䧏 ח ☔չ 鶟塥氳 ם 縒ֻ؅䧏 ח ☔չ

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