2. lasting damage
7. to turn down ~ ⷋ┖ 8. anextendedperiodof time Ꝏ僿ꝴ 9. humility 银鸒
Unit 10 Unit 10
Ꝏׂ禈ׂ妳 ױ ַյ┘塜泡 ם
3. slippery
page 62 1. tricky ꤀ ל ַ
4. somehow ~ ם ־ 5. dishonest
┘塜泡 ם յ鏨䙫 םס ַ 6. to pride oneself on ~ 䐂䙫 כ յ舅䜇 7. the completeoppositeof ~ ס 洠鴫
2. to ask favors of ~ 3. close friend 鈐⹘ 4. to hint ☠״־ 5. to apologize for ~ מ 㵚 י 链 6. to put ~ out מ 鳿䘄־ׄ 7. in return 鲭炔 מ 8. to put ~ up 㳃 מ 媽״ 9. to repay (a favor) (䕑ֽ鲭 10. It depends on ~ מ 1. co-workers ⺱⦏ 2. senior students 㰢劅 ס ⩝魶 3. junior students 㰢劅 ס 䏲魶 4. to drop hints
מ 갔 ײ ׇ כ
page 66
1. social debt 䕑յ⠺ 2. imposition 䥨 ח ׄ 3. to compensate for ~
4. generous 㴌頻 ם 5. conscious 鏀閁 י ַ 6. accountable 鞊♳ ס ֵ 7. ethos 瞿烕 1. to incur ~ 靷ֹ 2. thoughtlessly 縒ֻ מ 3. to burden 靷 4. sympathy ⺱䗯 5. superfcial 辐ꪫ氳 ם 6. euphemistic 㦃傪 ם
page 64
page 67
倊炐յ ־״ס
5. instead of ~ ס ♏ מ
page 65
1. people we˖re close to 鈐ַ☔չ
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