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One Step Further

6. appropriate 鸵⮉ ם to give compliments 郘״׾ to my consternation ♢㛾׊ מכ׆ג it drives me crazy 儖䎎 מ ַ׼玮 ח 䑏 ׆ס ׵ גז յ鏨㲔 ם to accept compliments 郘״銧蜗؅⹨ׄ⪌׿׾ מ 㵚׌׾㫂ַ ם 妳䧏 ה bragging 舅䜇 9. to mean what one says 儖䑏؅銧ֹ social ritual 炘⚡氳⧘䌋յ䋦⯥ 10. to turn ~ into a laugh ֐؅琷ַ縖 מ ׌׾ 11. well-received 堼鲛׈׿ ג 7. sincere 8. aversion to ~

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1. remarkable ׌ַׇ formal ־׊׆ גזױ

honorifc phrases 丒鏤辐杯 laid-back ׂ ח ؀ַ ד յ罕缵䍖׼ ם ַ 㔋萶׊ַ players סא 㕙 מ ַ׾☔յ꞊؂׾☔

2. rigid

3. blood type 轑尓㑔 4. to assert ~

֐؅╚䍖׌׾ individuality ⠕䓪 for fear of ~ ֐؅׊ ם ַ׻ֹ מ

boastful 舅䜇ׅ ם 5. tiresome

reserved 鸜䜡׊ ג 12. extreme 哕珷 ם

״؆ ל ׂ׈ַ appearance 釤 ג 泘 outright 㱭⪒ ם objectifed 㵚霄⴫׈׿ י ַ׾յٓ ؿ 䣽ַ׈׿ י ַ׾ It is sort of like when ~ ֐ המ׀כס ׺ כז ⛍ י ַ׾

to some extent ֵ׾爊䈱 מ constantly 祀ֻ׍ מ



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