
3. meaningful 䙫誇 ס ֵ׾ 4. a warm welcome 倉־ַ堼鲛 5. to take the frst step 瑬┉塥؅馐 ײ ⭳׌ 6. to happen to ~ ױגױג ֐؅׌׾

Unit 11 Unit 11

page 71

1. to act as if ~

֐ ס ׻ֹ מ 䨕׾艵ֹ 釨疗յ䎎 ג ׽⯥ כ׆ס ☽☔ מ 䫘׌׾׆ כ ؅鹴ׄ׾

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2. the norm

1. to make small talk ┩ꝴ鎇؅׌׾ 2. to ignore ~ ֐؅扛釱׌׾մ 3. as to ~ ֐ מ ꞊׊ י 4. strangers 釤湳׼ ן ☔ 5. to make eye contact 泘؅⾒؂׎׾ 6. to nod in greeting ⚡ꃿ׌׾ 7. to pass ~ ֐ כ ׌׿鷿ֹ 8. appropriate 鸵⮉ ם 9. inappropriate ┘鸵⮉ ם 10. surroundings

3. to keep to oneself

4. ~ at most 5. to queue

㛡ׂ י ׵֐

䈘 ךלם ⮛ מ ┾ ש

6. to engage in ~ ֐ מ ⹦׽־־׾ 7. to chat


8. sudden 䓦 ם 9. intimate 鈐׊ַ

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1. to set a welcomingmood 堼鲛ّ٭ غ ؅⛼׾ 2. casually ׈׽ׅ ם ׂ 3. to come across as ~ 注䣆 מ ֐ מ 釤ֻ׾ 4. creepy 妳䧏 ה ֿ䖾ַ 5. peculiar 㜦㟒 ם 6. fascinating 艄誇岐ַ 7. I would never dreamof… ֐׌׾ ם ؆ י 䓙ַ׵ ם־ח ַ

鎇׊ י ַ׾㕙 ס 話׽

11. to approach ~ ֐ מ 鎇׊־ׄ׾

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1. elderly people 냕룻縖 2. urban 齉⚡ ס 3. to chat with ~ ֐ כ ꥭ鐶׌׾ 4. to stare at ~ ֐؅⭍釱׌׾ 5. to strike up a

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conversation with ~ ֐ כ ⚡鎇؅㡎״׾ 6. to feel self-conscious ׳־מע

1. delighted 2. to greet ֐؅鲛ֻ׾

頻ַ מ ㄎ؆ ך ַ׾



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