page 95
One Step Further
5. I would be like, ~
כ ַֹ䚉 םמ
page 94 1. fairly
6. cashiers ٝ ة ➟
to have a tantrum ־؆ׂ颯׆ neutral expression 扛辐䗯 transaction 䌕յ⭚杼 to ask ~ for directions מ 鷹㵱 נ on frst-name terms ׇׂ鈐ַ♧ from the outset 僃⮣־ ס ח ם ַ
ם־ social expectation 炘⚡氳 ם 紶ⳉ to join a queue 车⮛ מ ┾ ש checkout assistant ٝ ة ➟ contrived כ ַ
7. for no reason 杼榺 ם ׂ
2. to address ~
8. formal language ־׆ גזױ 銧蜗
מ 鎇־ׄ I wouldn't mind not ~ ם ַ׆ עכ 㫂 םעך ַ longish Ꝏ״ ם
3. let˖s say ~ כד receptive
9. (not) a single ~
ׄ⪌ א ֹյ㳊氳 ם to acknowledge ~ ס 㰆㏇鏀閁
4. complete strangers 颋 ס ☽☔ neutral ╈䓪 ס յ扛辐䗯 ם
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