
7. strict hierarchies ⸬׊ַ┕┖꞊➟ 8. close bonds ㍾ַ磡 9. a turn-of 㫂 ׆כם ؀ 10. appealing 뇂ⱱ氳 ׆כם ؀ 11. an exception ❆㛙

Unit 5 Unit 5

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1. excessive 鷨Ⱍ ם 2. grades 㰢劅䡗竮 3. from time to time מױג 4. to be excluded from ~ ֐־׼㛙׈׿׾ 5. to fall on deaf ears 㱭⪒ מ 扛釱׈׿׾ 6. to give one˖s all 春骰׌׾ 7. indignant 䞇䜖׊ י ַ׾ 8. to punish 糏׌׾ 9. involved ⹆ⱶ׊ י ַ׾յ꞊┙׊ י ַ׾ 10. to be made to sit out 鍱⾒ מ ⹆ⱶ׈׎ י ׵׼ֻ ם ַ 11. obviously 伺׼־ מ 12. to lose the desire to ~ ֐׌׾妳؅㜊ֹ

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1. infuence 䏅ꮶ 2. to stay active 孨Ⳃ氳 ך ַ׾ 3. relatively 奂鬳氳 מ 4. light commitment 鞊♳ֿ㵼 ם ַ 5. self-confdence 舅⟓ 6. commute 鵟㰢 7. self-discipline 舅䏱 8. mental toughness 瞿烕氳 ם 䍚׈ 9. sense of achievement 鷼䡗䚉 10. duty 鞊♳ 11. frequency 값䈱 12. only when it is necessary 䑒釐 ד׀כם ׄ 1. private school 熖玮㰢劅 2. public school ⪜玮㰢劅 3. long hours Ꝏ״ ם 䦔兠侇ꝴ 4. heavy commitments 鞊♳ֿꄆַ 5. relaxed schedules 哧 ةآتם ٖ٭ٜ 6. strict rules ⸬׊ַ釨⯞

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1. primary school 㵸㰢劅 2. to invest time in ~ ֐ מ 侇ꝴ؅嫰׃ 3. diversion 妳⮆鬇䬵 4. no real ~ 洠 ס 䙫誇 סך ֐ ע 㰆㏇׊ ם ַ 5. the idea of ~ ֐ כ ַֹ哭䒝 1. overwhelmingly ㏆⠠氳 מ 2. to impact ~ 䏅ꮶ׌׾ 3. right from the outset 䎎⮣־׼ 4. test time عتط 僿ꝴ 5. all the way through to ~ ֐ ךױ ׍ כז 6. to organize ~ ֐؅畘杼׌׾ 7. bizarre 㜦㟒 ם 8. ideal 杼䘶氳 ם 9. Ihadalwaysassumedthat… ׍ כז ֐ כד 䘶㲊׊ י ַ ג

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