page 83
One Step Further
4. to dedicate ~ to ~ מ 䩮ׅ
page 82
representative team ♏辐 ٭ز ّ
1. honorifc speech 㵯丒鏤 seniority 䇗Ⱶ䈋⮛ 2. mandatory 䑒ꯄ ס to skip ~ ׯ
5. to supervise
泃釱յ泃涍 clock-watching 企ׂ磙 ם ַ־ כ 侇銶釤 ״ח alienation 橈㛙䚉
to have a day of ⚔ סײ 仼 כ the norm 釨疗յ嘅嶖氳 ם 敯䛜 to be frowned upon ץ ؆ׂ鞙ֹ 姲״׆ כ vice principal Ⱌ㰢Ꝏ homeroom teacher 䥵♳ ס ⩝榟 attendee ⭳䅪縖 academic results 䡗竮鍐❫ to be on board with ~ מ ⺱䙫 bestie 頻鈐⹘ truth be told, ... 塜泡 מ 銧 יז societal pressure ┩ꝴ־ وס ٝ بش ٔ٭
to catch up with ~ מ 鴑ַ ח ׂ a step behind ~ ┉塥鷐 י ַ to operate Ⳃׂ audience 鈝㲘 to make up for ~ ס ⨑ַ םמ hardship 鍱穒 commitment of time 侇ꝴ־ׄ׆ כ extreme 哕珷 ם to devote oneself to ~ 舅⮆ מ 䩮ׅ
6. demands
3. dedication 春骰
7. deference 僜䏼
hierarchical ┕┖꞊➟ ס
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