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One Step Further

6. directness 曍泡׈ class 炘⚡꣪碌 7. unconsciously

page 92

1. intimate 鈐㳡 ם 2. to have no qualms about ~ 䇖妳 ך ֐׌׾

扛䙫閁 מ practical 㲔榫┕ ס ゖ갭 姲״׼׿ י ַ ם ַ to the point of ~ ֐ ךױ

cautious 榫䑏岐ַ 3. unpleasant ┘䒍 ם 4. unspoken 倊랺 ס phrasing 銧蜗 ־ט ַ subtext 銧㛙 ס 䙫誇

8. unsolicited

annoying 鳿䘄 ם մ intrusion ⭳׊׶ ף ׽

9. virtue 紆䐵

regardless of ~ ֐ מ ꞊➟ ם ׂ accountable 䕑 ס ֵ׾

to intuit ֐؅泡䚉׌׾ to consult ~ ֐ מ 注鐶׌׾ to turn ~ down ֐؅了׾ back and forth ׷׽ כ ׽ straightforward 塜泡 ם յ伺䒍 ם

5. perhaps ֽ א ׼ׂ



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